Greetings from President Ban

Dear KAGES members,

It was 2009 that I first became the KAGES member as a student. Since then I have witnessed the continuous growth of KAGES while working as a KAGES member. KAGES has provided a field of communication among students and scholars in disciplines related to geospatial and environmental sciences since 2008 when it was established. Especially, KAGES has run scholarships for its student members and more recently it started to publish IJGER, the International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research and has contributed to academic exchange among related disciplines. As the president of KAGES, I believe that all of the achievements were possible because of the efforts by previous presidents, board members, and general members of KAGES.

Following decisions from recent KAGES board meetings, I would like to focus on the following missions during my term: (1) enrich the academic exchange with topics related to East Asian regions, (2) support further development of IJGER by the academic exchange, and (3) promote communication among general members and board members of KAGES. I believe that your enthusiasm and participation to KAGES are the most important keys to move them forward. I look forward to your interest and suggestions. Any ideas for KAGES are welcomed (please email to

Sincerely, Hyowon Ban,

September 2016


안녕하십니까, KAGES 8 대 회장을 맡은 반효원입니다. 저는 2009 년 상반기 학생으로서 처음 KAGES 회원이 되었습니다. 그 이후 KAGES 에서 일하며, 저는 해가 지날 수록 KAGES 가 더욱 훌륭한 협회로 발전하는 것을 보아왔습니다. KAGES 는 2008 년 설립 당시부터 지리∙환경과학 분야에서 활동하고 있는 학생과 학자가 교류하고 소통할 수 있는 장을 마련해왔습니다. 특히 KAGES 학생 회원을 대상으로 하는 장학금 제도를 매년 운영해왔으며, 최근에는 학술지 IJGER (International Journal of Geospatial and Environmental Research) 을 발간하여 관련 학문간 학술교류에도 힘을 기울이고 있습니다. 이는 모두 KAGES 전임회장단과 이사진, 그리고 많은 일반 회원의 노고가 있었기에 가능한 일이었습니다.

저는 올 한 해 저의 임기 동안 최근 KAGES 이사회의에서 의결한 바에 따라, 1) 동아시아 지역에 관련되는 연구 주제의 학술 교류를 활성화하고, 2) 이 학술 교류의 결과가 IJGER 의 발전으로 이어지게 하며, 3) KAGES 일반회원 및 이사진 간 소통을 더욱 원활히 하는 데 주력하고자 합니다.

이를 추진해가는데 KAGES 회원 여러분들의 관심과 참여가 절실히 필요합니다. 앞으로 여러분들의 많은 응원과 조언 부탁 드립니다. KAGES 의 발전에 관련한 어떠한 의견이라도 제게 보내주시면 대단히 감사하겠습니다 (제 이메일 주소는 입니다). 감사합니다.

2016 년 9 월 반효원 드림

2015 Scholarship Awardees

Congratulations to the 2015 Scholarship Awardees!

Sim Travel Award:
  • Keumseok Koh (Michigan State University)
  • Sungho Choi (Boston University)
Paper Award:
  • Edward Park (The University of Texas at Austin)
  • Young Rae Choi (The Ohio State University)

Invitation to the 2015 KAGES General Meeting in Chicago, IL

Dear KAGES members,

Board members of KAGES cordially would like to invite you all to the 2015 KAGES General Meeting and Dinner as follows.

General Meeting
When: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 7:15P.M.-8:15P.M.
Location: Hyatt Regency Chicago, room Columbian
Registration on site: $50 for general members, $20 for student members
(The registration fees will be used for your dinner, your annual membership for KAGES, your annual membership for Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KSEA), etc. Please register at the entrance of the meeting room before the meeting will begin.)

Dinner (right after the General Meeting)
When: Thursday, April 23rd, 2015 8:30P.M.-10:00P.M.
Location: Dao Thai Restaurant (230 E Ohio St, Chicago, phone: 312-337-0000: From the AAG Headquarters Hotel, cross the river following Michigan Avenue and turn right at Ohio Street.)

We look forward to meeting you at the 2015 KAGES General Meeting and the Dinner. Should you have any questions, please let us know to

Thank you very much,