IJGER Young Scholar Paper Award

This award supports research of the members of KAGES who are either graduate students or early-career scholars. The award is sponsored by Dr. Hyejin Yoon in the Department of Geography at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The total amount of $900 will be awarded to three early scholars who publish their research in IJGER for three years from 2021.

  • Graduate students or early-career scholars who earned their doctoral degrees in the past three years at the time of submission of their manuscripts.
  • The author should hold the KAGES membership at the time of their manuscript submission to IJGER.
  • The awardee should be the single author or the first author of the article.
Submit your manuscript to IJGER now! If you have any questions, feel free to contact the editor of IJGER, Dr. Woonsup Choi (choiw@uwm.edu).

2022 General Meeting & AAG Sessions

The 2022 KAGES General Meeting will be held via Zoom on February 27 during the Annual Meeting of AAG. Prior to the General Meeting, KAGES will present two virtual sessions: Young Korean Geographers Forum 1 & 2 and KAGES Mentoring Session, which will offer members excellent opportunities to learn new research from members and network.

  • Young Korean Geographers Forum I: 3:40 – 5:00 pm (EST) | 5:40 -7:00 am (KST), AAG Virtual Room 65
  • Young Korean Geographers Forum II :5:20 – 6:00 pm (EST) | 7:20 -8:00 am (KST), AAG Virtual Room 66
  • KAGES Mentoring Session: 6:00-6:45pm (EST) | 8:00 – 8:45 am (KST), Zoom (Meeting ID: 948 0224 6383)
  • KAGES General Meeting: 7:00-8:00pm (EST) | 9:00 -10:00 am (KST), Zoom (Meeting ID: 959 0651 8418 )

The KAGES Sponsorship Program

The KAGES Sponsorship program aims to support professional activities and events led by KAGES members for their career development and leadership. This program is designed to continue the organization’s mission of supporting members’ research, teaching, and services and promoting interactions between South Korea and the United States in geospatial and environmental science. KAGES welcomes a project proposal that expands the overarching mission of the organization. KAGES will sponsor up to $500 annually for the approved projects altogether. The funds may vary by project needs and are based on the availability of the KAGES budget. KAGES members must be the key personnel in the proposed project. Potential projects could include but are not limited to a professional development workshop, a professional networking event, or an academic seminar.

Critical conditions are as follows:

  • The project should aim for a broader scholarly community.
  • The KAGES sponsorship must be acknowledged during the project activities.
  • The applicants must be KAGES members, and they must be the event organizers—not general participants.
  • A KAGES member (or a group of members) can apply for this sponsorship only once a year (for example, if the sponsored project occurs in March 2022, the member(s) cannot apply for additional support until March 2023). Preference will be given to those who have not received the sponsorship previously.
  • The project may have another funding source to achieve its goals.
  • Awardees must contribute a short article (i.e., a special contribution) to the KAGES Newsletter in the issue following the project activity (i.e., if the action occurs in spring 2022, the awardees must contribute a newsletter article for the summer/fall issue).

The application process involves the following:

  • Fill out the Application Form. Please provide the itemized budget and detailed justifications for each budget item. Failure to do so will result in a decline.
  • Attach copies of the project proposal and the award/approval letter for the original project from the involved institution/organization.
  • Compile all application materials into a single PDF file and send it to support@kages.org.
  • Please note that the sponsorship will be paid upon reception of the completed package, including an itemized list of costs with receipts and supporting materials.

Applications are accepted and reviewed by the KAGES board year-round. The board will evaluate proposals based on how well the proposed activity promotes the KAGES mission.

KAGES 학생이사 후보 모집

안녕하세요, KAGES 회원 여러분! KAGES에서 2022-2023년 학생이사 후보님을 모집합니다!

KAGES에서는 2015-2016년 제1기 학생이사 선출 이후, 해마다 학생이사를 선출해 왔습니다. 학생이사는 1년 단임이며, KAGES 일반 이사들과 함께 매월 온라인 이사회의에 참석하면서 KAGES의 발전을 논의하고 결정하는 중요한 직책을 수행합니다.

그 동안의 학생이사님들로 활동하신 분들을 소개하자면, 제 1기 김은경 박사(2015-2016년 학생이사 현 University of Zurich, Switzerland), 제 2기 에드워드 박 박사(2016-2017년 학생이사, 현 Nanyang Technological University, Singapore) 및 제 3기 정지훈 박사(2017-2018년 학생이사, 현 University of Washington 포닥 재직), 제 4기 박진우 학생회원(2018-2019년 학생이사, 현 Texas A&M University 박사과정 재학),제 5기 조명식 학생회원(2019-2020년 학생이사, 현 Michigan State University 박사과정 재학), 제 6기 장한별 학생회원(2020-2021년 학생이사, 현 Temple University 박사과정 재학) 제 7기 안윤정 학생회원(2021-2022 학생이사, Florida State University 박사과정 재학) 분들께서 KAGES에서 활발하게 활동해 왔습니다. 그리고, 내년 2월 27일 KAGES virtual 총회에서 제 8기 학생이사님을 선출하려고 합니다. 제 8기 학생이사님의 임기는 2022년 7월 1일부터 2023년 6월 30일까지입니다. 학생이사는 KAGES에서 아래와 같은 역할을 수행하게 됩니다:

  • KAGES 이사진중 한 명으로서 KAGES 학생 회원들을 대표한다.
  • 매월 온라인회의로 이루어지는 KAGES 이사 회의에 참석하여 다른 이사들과 소통하며 KAGES 운영의 제반 사항에 대한 의사 결정권을 행사한다.
  • KAGES 학생회원들의 의사를 대변하고 학생 회원들의 KAGES 관련 활동을 촉진한다.
  • KAGES 학생이사의임기는 1인 1년 단임 (single-term) 이다.
  • KAGES 총회에서학생 회원들의 KAGES 관련 활동을 보고한다.

KAGES 학생 회원분들 중, 제 8기 학생이사 후보로 출마를 희망하는 분들께서는 다음의 1,2 자료를 이메일 support@kages.org 2022 1 3일까지 제출해 주시면 됩니다.

  1. 출마 신청서한글 혹은 영문 200 내외의 학생 이사 출마 의사에 1) 신청자 이름, 2)대학원 수학 과정 (i.e., Undergraduate, Master student, PhD student, PhD candidate), 3) 소속 기관명, 4) 지도교수 성함 및이메일 포함 (아직 지도 교수가 없는 학생 회원분들은 과에서 배정한 담당 어드바이저 혹은 graduate coordinator의 성함 및 이메일을 포함시켜주시면 됩니다.
  2. CV (첨부)

KAGES 학생이사 활동은 여러분들의 CV의 Service 항목에 포함하시면 leadership과 academic community activity에역량을 더하실 수 있습니다.

KAGES는 학생이사님을 통하여 학생 회원 여러분과 소통을 더욱 원활히 함으로써 보다 발전하는 협회가 되고자 합니다. 학생 회원님들 여러분의 많은 관심과 참여를 부탁드립니다. 감사합니다.

KAGES 이사진 드림

KAGES Student Affiliated Group Mini-Grant

The KAGES Student Affiliated Group Mini-Grant program is designed to encourage networking and personal growth among Korean KAGES student members who are affiliated with an academic institution in the U.S. and Canada. This grant program is sponsored by the Korea-America Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences (KAGES), a non-profit organization whose mission includes:

  • Supporting student members to develop their career success through education and research;
  • Supporting members to develop research, teaching, and services;
  • Promoting interactions between South Korea and the U.S. in geospatial technology and environmental science fields.

KAGES welcomes any proposals/activities that address the overarching mission of the organization. Activities may include but are not limited to inviting an expert for a talk to their meeting, organizing a workshop, or meeting for their professional development. Each student group can apply multiple proposals/activities. KAGES will support up to $300 annually per group. The total number of awards will be determined later. A student group may reapply for funding for the following years.

Proposed activities should be completed within a year. Proposals are accepted year-round. However, the proposal should be submitted no later than 30 days before the event (e.g., a proposal must be submitted on March 1st for the April 1stevent).

Proposals will be evaluated on the following criteria:

  • How well the proposed activity promotes the KAGES mission of supporting students in their career development;
  • The feasibility of the proposed project for a year time

Awardees must collectively complete a brief financial report and share their activities and reflections via the KAGES Newsletter.

To apply, fill out the Application Form and send it to support@kages.org.