2022 Sim Student Travel Award

Now accepting applications for 2022 KAGES Sim Student Travel Award!

Dr. Sunhui Sim is currently a faculty member in the Geography Department at the University of North Alabama. Through her generous sponsorship, “Sim Student Travel Award” was established in 2010 to provide financial assistance to graduate students in the research field of Geography, Geospatial Technologies and Environmental Sciences. This scholarship is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). This award is for supporting the work of students who implement GIS/RS/Geospatial techniques into their research.

For the detailed information and the application, please check the attachments. If you have any other questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Sanglim Yoo at syoo@bsu.edu.

  • Application deadline: November 8, 2021, 11:59 PM EST
  • Award Notification: February 7, 2022


2022 KAGES Student Paper Award

2022 KAGES Student Paper Award

Call for Applications

The Student Paper Award aims to recognize high-quality student articles published in the fields of Geography, Geospatial Technologies, and Environmental Sciences. 2020 KAGES Student Paper Awards consist of the KGS Student Paper Award (sponsored by the Korean Geographical Society, 대한 지리학회) and the KSEA Student Paper Award (sponsored by the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association, 재미 한인 과학기술자 협회) will be given, with a maximum amount of $500 per awardee.

For detailed information and the application, please check the attachments. If you have any other question, please feel free to contact at support@kages.org.

  • Application deadline: November 8, 2021, 11:59 PM EST
  • Award Notification: December 6, 2021


  1. Applicant Document
  2. 2022 Student Paper Award Announcement

KAGES Ethics Council

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KAGES 윤리 위원회는 현재 다음 7 인의 전/현 KAGES 이사진으로 구성되어 있습니다. (가나다순)

  • 최운섭(University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee, 2023-2024학년도 위원장)
  • 반효원(California State University, Long Beach)
  • 심선희(University of North Alabama)
  • 안기철(Snohomish County, WA)
  • 윤혜진(University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee)
  • 차호섭(Park University)
  • 허소정(Texas State University, 학생위원)

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윤리위원회 작성 뉴스레터 기사 모음

제 2회 KAGES 윤리 워크샵

KAGES 윤리위원회에서 제 2회 KAGES 윤리워크샵을 대한지리학회와 공동으로 아래와 같이 개최합니다.

  • 일시: 2023년 11월 3일 5pm (Pacific) / 8pm (Eastern)
  • 강사: Dr. Will Hohyon Ryu (Founder and CEO, OXOpolitics)
  • 대상: KAGES 학생회원 및 일반회원 누구나 참여하실 수 있습니다.
  • 등록: HERE
  • Zoom Link HERE, Meeting ID: 894 0633 7271, Passcode: 551544

제 1회 KAGES 윤리 워크샵

KAGES 윤리위원회에서 제 1회 KAGES 윤리 워크샵 (via Zoom)을 아래와 같이 개최합니다.
  • 일시: 2022년 12월 7일 8pm (Eastern)
  • 강사: Dr. Seungyeon Lee (Department of Psychology & Counseling, University of Central Arkansas)
  • 대상: KAGES 학생회원 및 일반회원 누구나 참여하실 수 있습니다.

윤리 상담 서비스

KAGES 윤리 위원회는 윤리에 관련한 다양한 활동 및 윤리 상담 서비스 등을 제공하고 있습니다. 윤리 상담 서비스는 아래 과정을 통해 이루어집니다.

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