2021 KAGES Student Paper Award

2021 KAGES Student Paper Award

Call for Applications

 Application due date: Wednesday, December 23, 2020, 11:59 PM EST

The Student Paper Award aims to recognize high-quality student articles published in the fields of Geography, Geospatial Technologies, and Environmental Sciences. The 2021 KAGES Student Paper Awards are sponsored by the Korean Geographical Society (KGS), the Korean-American Scientists and Engineers Association (KASEA), and the Korea-America Association for Geospatial and Environmental Sciences (KAGES). The maximum amount per awardee is $500. 

For the detailed information and the application, please check the attachments. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Misun Hur at hurmi@ecu.edu.


  1. Applicant Document
  2. 2021 Student Paper Award Announcement