2019 KAGES Sim Travel Award

Now accepting applications for 2019 KAGES Sim Student Travel Award!


Dr. Sim, Sun Hui is currently a faculty member in the Geography Department at the University of North

Alabama. Through her generous sponsorship, “Sim Student Travel Award” was established in 2010 to provide financial assistance to graduate students in the research field of Geography, Geospatial Technologies and Environmental Sciences. This scholarship is particularly designed to help meet the costs of travel to the annual meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG). This award is for supporting the work of students who implement GIS/RS/Geospatial techniques into his/her research.


For the detailed information and the application, please check the attachments. If you have any other

question, please feel free contacting Dr. Misun Hur at hurmi@ecu.edu.


2019 KSEA Undergraduate and KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Scholarships Announcement

Dear KSEA members,

KSEA is pleased to announce the 2019 KSEA Undergraduate and KSEA-KUSCO Graduate Scholarships program.

Multiple scholarships for graduate and undergraduate students majoring in science, medicine, engineering, or related fields will be awarded in 2019.

The scholarships recognize outstanding students of Korean heritage who are excellent in academics as well as in service to the community and have the potential to become future leaders of society.

There are two scholarship categories this year;

KSEA Scholarships for Undergraduate Students in the US. (20 awards, $1,000 per each)
KSEA-KUSCO Scholarships for Graduate Students in the US. (20 awards, $1,500 per each)
The scholarship online application has opened on February 4, 2019.

All application materials for the 2019 Scholarship should be received by March 31, 2019, 5:00 PM (ET)

Please visit the KSEA Scholarship website at http://scholarship.ksea.org for more details of the 2019 Scholarships program including the online application process.

Any questions not mentioned in the 2019 Scholarship website can be addressed to KSEA HQ at scholarship@ksea.org or the KSEA Scholarship Committee Chair, Dr. Byungwhi Kong at bkong@uark.edu.

Thank you.

K. Stephen Suh, President of KSEA

Byungwhi Kong, Scholarship Committee Chair

KAGES Newsletter 2018 겨울호

KAGES 회원 여러분께,

안녕하십니까? 회원 여러분께 KAGES 겨울호 소식지를 전하여 드립니다. 이번호에는 학과소개, AAG이사회소개, 2018 KAGES 장학금 수여자들의 소감문 그리고 최근 회원동정에 관한 글들로 구성 되었습니다. 이번 소식지에 좋은 글을 기고하여 주신 회원님들께 깊은 감사를 드립니다. 다음호 소식지에도 계속해서 모든 회원님들의 참여를 부탁드리며, 소식지와 관련되어 궁금 하시거나 문의사항이 있으시면 언제든지 연락 주십시오.

특별히 북극한파의 영향을 받고계시는 회원님들과 겨울철 모든 회원님들의 건강과 안전을 기원합니다.

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